Back at It Again With the White Van
Yep… it'southward a working title.
Amsterdam was not on my list. I never set out to see it, I've never idea fondly of information technology, I've never ideamuch of it, to be honest. The Netherlands are just, there. And I needn't see them… or so I thought until I figured out it was cheaper to fly to Dutch-then-London, rather than straight to London from Lyon. I know. Ridiculous. And so to Amsterdam I went.
I'm quite glad I did.
I reached the Dutch at a fairly reasonable hour and found my hostel without getting so much as fifty-fifty a little chip lost. My room was on the sixth floor… and there was no elevator, and I was in a 10-person room… but pshaw! Who cares! How-do-you-do, Holland!
My first stop was the Van Gogh museum. Okay actually my first cease was a identify called Bagels and Beans where I ate a delightful salad and an iced coffee (ijskoffie). Information technology was here I discovered that nearly everyone spoke English, which is not altogether a crazy observe. It seems a great majority of folks, especially those in professions in which they are accosted by tourists, speak English language… but the Dutch… dude they don't even have an accent. They'd switch into English once they learned I was totally illiterate and they audio like they're from Issaquah. "Ah yes, how is it on the plateau…"
My second terminate, so, was the Van Gogh museum. I love Van Gogh (I know how basic tin you lot get… amiright?), and have seen a few of his paintings thus far in my travels- though one in particular has alluded my gaze. Starry Nighttime over the Rhone (notthat Starry Night… the other one) lives at the d'Orsay museum in French republic… except when I visited in January when information technology was on loan to the museum in Amsterdam.
Fine, I thought… every bit Vinniewas in fact, Dutch. I'll let it.
I chased it all the mode to Tulipville and by the fourth dimension I arrived… it was gone. Back at the d'Orsay. It took barely seconds for me to annals its absence… at that place was no talk of it, no posters alerting its presence… Ugh. Foiled, again!
I sprung for the audio guide, which is a sporadic luxury in my travels. You could waste material a lot of coin on those things… especially in churches. Oy those cathedral sound guides! Let me spoil it for you: information technology was congenital long ago, by people… and there may or may non be someone entombedright over there. And Jesus was never here.
Vincent was very into painting the poors. He wasn't into royal portraiture or the wealthy in general. His family unit was upper center class by well-nigh standards, he flirted with the thought of becoming part of the clergy… but in the end he decided he must paint. He was a prolific painter… I think they figured out that one yr alone he did 150 paintings. His paintings aren't technical masterpieces- he knew this, he studied, he improved, though they withal veer to the side of abstract… but you can't say the guy didn't have style.
At the museum I took illegal photos- because, well, Vince is my guy! Crazy, sure. But mine, nonetheless. We've all seen his self-portraits, there are several in circulation… but he had a lot more. A lot more. In fact, on the backs of a lot of his other canvases are self-portraits. My man: reduce, reuse, recycle! He is the original selfie-queen… a lot of people attribute this to the fact that he was always poor and couldn't afford models… I aspect information technology to the fact that some of us could stare at our own reflections… forever 😉
Equally we all know, he cut off his ear… went kinda crazy. He lived in a sanitorium for a while, where he continued to pigment. The cyprus paintings were all done at that place… the wheat fields all completed shortly subsequently he left and simply before he killed himself… in a wheat field. The Starry Night was too painted there… information technology was the view from his window. He didn't paint the bars that kept him in, however. Artistic license and whatnot…
In the end, what I almost appreciated in this museum all about Vin was the rather questionable things for sale in the gift shop.
An ear-ring? (#toosoon)
Creepy little dolls (maybe they were just creepy to me?)
And… best of all. Mood rings! Annotation: there is non a color for 'so conflicted you might hack off a body part'… I imagine information technology would exist a deep light-green-gray.
The next day I went to the 'I amsterdam' sign, which is the best social media propaganda the Dutch could accept ever thought of. Forget hookers and weed- have you seen this sign? IT WAS Built FOR SELFIES! People climbing all over it, smiling in front of it… hopefully someone has fallen off one of the letters. I didn't go to witness any such carnage but there'southward a little part of me that knows that someone, some poor stupid soul, has slid right off the slope of the 's' and landed gracelessly on the ground. And someone had to take gotten it on film, right?
It wasquite cold and the rain wasn't letting up, so I popped into a store and got two scarves. I ripped off the tags whilst yet in view of the register and put them on, venturing out to my next museum… the Anne Frank firm.
At that place was a line, of class, and it was outside, and the rain was relentless… only information technology was Anne Frank. I thought to myself, "Liz. Don't be an asshole. Expect in the line." And so FOR OVER AN Hour I stood, shivering, thinking over and over again that Anne had it worse, that I had to terminate being a babe… that this was a museum about the fucking holocaust and all I had to do was stand, freely- by the way, exterior in inclement weather. The rain turned to snow briefly, but I'd already been in line xl minutes. I hunkered downwardly, staring at the wet pavement. I would suffer.
Finally inside, I began the tour… and I won't get into detail here nigh the tour itself, but rather the things I noticed in the people around me.
It was a Tuesday, I recollect… and thus in that location were a lot of school kids there. Guess what America? 12-15 year olds are jerks in every country, it would seem. I was surrounded past them, and they were loud and weren't paying attending, they bumped into people and chattered instead of listened… but they were not the worst behaved people. No, no… that would exist a rather gregarious grouping of 20-year-old boys… German language ones, if that makes it any meliorate (or worse!). They were running around- literally… it's not a big house, and we were in the secret portion, and yet they danced about as if the rhythm was going to become them. They were popping their heads through windows and yelling,"BOO!" at people. They spoke loudly over the videos so no one could hear them. They were so disrespectful that I gave each of them theevilest glare, I mean… if looks could impale. I recollect I did scare one, actually. He kept his distance.
I couldn't believe them. Justdon't get if you're going to be a jackass?! This place matters to people, information technology stands for something… information technology's sacred in that way. Get the hell out if you're unable to give it the respect it deserves- non to mention the people around you who are trying to mind and acquire and absorb the history. It actually detracted from the whole feel… only I did have away one thing.
Toward the end of the bout they have videos playing of Anne's friends and classmates reminiscing virtually her. More one of them said something to the effect of, "Anne wasn't thenicest daughter… but she was funny." This struck a chord in me. Anytime someone dies- especially if they die young… they're memorialized and immortalized as this superhuman version of the person they were. They were the nicest, kindest, smartest, most capable and wonderful person in thewhole world. And sure, this is nice to think almost… just information technology's very unlikely.
Chances are, sometimes, that person was adick. Specially if they were a 15 twelvemonth old! I imagine if I up and died my friends would say, "Yes she was great merely also kinda… you know. Kinda hard to have, sometimes. Loved her! Actually did. But…ooooo weee. Sometimes… sometimes I just wanted to strangle her." And I'd be okay with this because not only is information technology truthful, it is mutual.
Anne was a real person. She existed and managed to achieve some semblance of immortality- which shefully wanted. But, yous know? She was a xv year old daughter. She probably also wouldn't take minded living the residuum of her life, fifty-fifty if she had to practise it anonymously.
I got lost on the way habitation, stopping in shops to warm my frozen hands as I walked my course. It was nighttime past the time I returned and I got in bed to endeavour and warm upwards… and then, savage comatose. Whoops.
The adjacent day I left the hostel wearing two pairs of pants, a tank height, a shirt, and a sweatshirt followed past a sweater… topped by my coat. I had a hat and gloves and a scarf… and I was prepare for the 24-hour interval. Also, I was ready to be a goalie.
I spent the day wandering the canals, gettingthoroughly lost whilst carrying this out. I don't know what happened.
That dark at the hostel I sat at the bar, working on some graphics for a certain bridal shower I'm involved with, a gin sunrise in my left mitt. Why a gin sunrise? Considering nothing complements the taste of orange juice and grenadine like that penny-flavour I lovingly aspect to gin. (It was on special.)
A guy sat side by side to me, leaning over the screen equally I scrolled through fonts. "Detect 1 that suits yous?" he asked. Australian.
"It'southward for a bridal shower…" I said, pointing at 1. "I tin can't decide to become with 'Sniffin Paint' or this one…"
I connected to scroll every bit his mitt went up. "That one'south called 'Awesome as fuck', so it's right in that location in the proper noun."
"What nigh 'Uncle Oscar'?" I asked. He shrugged. "Yeah information technology's a picayune molest-ey. Gives off a certain vibe."
"Might not want that," he said. He was from Melbourne (I call back they all are, some how) and merely finished higher after studying creative writing (ha) and philosophy.
"I did creative writing, as well," I said, to which he asked what I'g doing with that now. I pointed to my reckoner. "Creatively writing invitations, I guess."
Ane of the hostel workers, who was not working simply instead drinking and smoking weed (this was a mutual thing in this hostel… I think half the guests were actually off-the-clock employees…), crowded the states equally he shouted at the girl working the bar.
"I was significant to talk to you!" she said to him, "You nonetheless have that guitar, right?"
"Yeah!" he said, far too excited in my opinion… "Why?"
"I wanted to play it, a bit," she said.
"Oh, yeah, anytime. I could come up over, you know, we could have a few beers and jam."
"Great," she nodded. This was painful to witness.
"The, uh, the strings. The M, the uh, the D… they're rusty, though, but I can change those out for you. Melody information technology up."
"Great," she said again, turning her attending to the round of Jager shots the staff was for some reason taking… something almost a bong ringing… thoughshe was the one in accuse of the bell. I don't know.
He left, and I turned to my Australian. "And then what areyou doing with a caste in creative writing?"
"I'k actually a musician," he said.
"Are your strings rusty likewise…"
"I'm notthat guy, right? I can't bethat guy."
"It remains to exist seen. You have ane song you tin play, open up mic night. What is information technology?" I asked, secretly hoping he wouldn't say something like 'Oh, definitely this i I wrote called 'Breakdown; Shanghai' or something as ridiculous.
"Knockin' on Heaven's Door, plain."
I nodded, a respectable, if condom, choice. I joked, "Only the Babyface version, right?"
My eyes widened. "Kenneth 'Babyface' Edmonds?" He shook his head. He was probably built-in in '95, and thus missed the reign of LaFace Records. Sure Babyface'southward solo career wasn't for everyone, but where would we exist with out TLC, Outkast and Conductor, I enquire you? Nowhere I want to be, that's for certain.
The next day I made some friends in my bunk and headed out to the canals over again. I had to see this 'Reddish Light District' anybody speaks of.
My first encounter with the 'Red Low-cal District' was 12th grade, Psychology class. We were doing discussion association, and our instructor said, "Ruddy…" and I said, "LIGHT DISTRICT."
My friend leaned over to me, "Liz that's where all the hookers are…" to which I said, "What?!" He shrugged and our instructor ignored me (per usual). But I was aware. (Oh how-do-you-do Nicky- I doubt you read this merely if you do I hope you're well 🙂
I walked my way to De Wallen and I looked around. Was information technology hidden?
I was texting a friend, lamenting that I couldn't find the damn place, when something in a window defenseless my centre. At kickoff I idea it was a mannequin. It was not. Information technology was a real-live lady… who was hardly clothed and moving suggestively in front of a ruddy light…
Found it.
I scurried away,very uncomfortable. I had found the Crimson Light District… and I don't know what I was expecting. Actually, yeah I do. Naked lady posters and signs for Xxx shows. That is what I expected. Perhaps some personal ads tacked upwardly on a message board? I didn't know they were in thewindows but sitting there until someone came along, flashed some cash and went inside.

I had then many questions.
What did they charge? Was it an open market? Did ego factor into prices?"Well I'thousand cuter than her so I am five euro more than, per hour." Was information technology hourly… that seemed a bit much… Did they hire their space and then keep the balance, or did information technology all go to some sort of 'Pimp' or 'Daddy'…
How many people did they see in a 24-hour interval, a calendar week? Did they have regulars? What was their personal relationship status? Did they advertise on Facebook… were people in Holland accosted with hooker-friends on social media like we are with Younique make-up and AdvoCare? "This month but you tin can have me for twenty euro, that's 50% off retail!"or "This evening only, a free "I HAD Sexual practice WITH _____" tote bag with all purchases… merely 100 made, don't miss out!"
Some of the girls were… older. Their lingerie wasn't so much flattering as it was neon. And many were on their phones. A sign of the times, even the hookers are glued to Instagram.
I made my way back out into the regular city, anew.
I saw a line for something, so I stood in information technology. It was for chips, which was disheartening. I got mine with fry sauce… which in Amsterdam evidently means mayo, and so that was fifty-fifty more disappointing. Had some lovely froyo, though… I fifty-fifty put fruit on information technology, so obviously I am a completely different Liz than the one you lot used to know.

Once back at the hostel I hung out with the kids, feeling very much similar someone's uncool mother equally I tried to partake in the activities at hand. I had patronized ane of the coffeeshops on my manner home from Anne Frank… merely had yet to dabble. The coffeeshops in Amsterdam might sell coffee or might sell weed. You lot accept to be vigilant and look for context clues.
These clues include merely are non limited to: the coffeeshops that sell weed are filled with white kids with dreads and the smell of weed. The ones that sell coffee are filled with white kids with dreads and the odour of coffee. The olfactory organ knows, my friends.
I made my way downstairs, inviting myself to sit down with diverse strangers. "Here guys, I brought snacks. I have bananas, and some freshly squeezed OJ… Did you lot need a lighter? I just bought 1… can't really piece of work it… Yes, and so… what is it that you're doing withyour life, Hannah?"
Afterwards that night I went with a couple girls from my room to the Foodhallen, which is like a hipster food court with bars. It's amazing- there was ane in Lisbon as well. Why don't we practice this at domicile? Practise we? I don't know. It's not like I've been anywhere in the Usa I had a tofu banh mi which I'm certain sounds terrible to everyone simply it was great, I tell you. Smashing! They even asked if I wanted coriander (strange cilantro; yes, tricked me too!) and I said NO, PLEASE DON'T, I BEG OF Yous…
I ended up giving away my stash because, well, I'm not cool. Or really, I similar playing the role of 'generous mysterious stranger', I also handed out a few 1.5 litres of Evian. "Stay hydrated, kids." And so I'thousand gone…
Goodnight and goodluck, Amsterdam. Yous were pretty neat.
As well, wtf is this:
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