Oats contain a protein called avenin, which tin cause an allergic reaction in some people.

A person who has eaten oats can sometimes feel unwell and experience the symptoms of an oat allergy. Notwithstanding, it could be that they take a gluten intolerance. Around one out of 100 people worldwide accept a serious course of gluten intolerance called celiac affliction.

Although oats do not incorporate gluten, processing oats alongside foods that incorporate gluten can pb to cross-contagion. This tin issue in a misdiagnosis.

This article looks at the symptoms of an oat allergy, as well every bit some diagnosis and treatment options.

a person experiencing chest pain because of an oat allergy Share on Pinterest
A person with anaphylactic shock may experience wheezing, chest tightness, and noisy animate.

The symptoms of an oat allergy tin can range from mild to moderate and affect the skin, gut, and airways.

Severe food allergies can atomic number 82 to anaphylactic daze, which tin can be life threatening if the person does not receive firsthand treatment.

Symptoms of anaphylactic daze may include:

  • wheezing, which can resemble an asthma assail
  • a tight breast
  • a bloated natural language and throat, which restricts the airways
  • noisy breathing, especially when inhaling
  • a sudden subtract in blood pressure, which tin result in shock
  • dizziness and confusion
  • collapse or loss of consciousness

The symptoms of anaphylactic daze typically appear within one 60 minutes of exposure. If a person has any signs or symptoms of anaphylactic shock, they need immediate medical attention.

Immediate allergic reaction

Symptoms of an oat allergy in adults, babies, and children include:

  • hives
  • a flushed confront
  • a red, itchy rash around the tongue, mouth, or eyes, which tin can spread to other parts of the torso
  • mild swelling of the lips, optics, or face
  • an itchy throat and oral fissure
  • watery eyes
  • a runny or stuffy nose
  • sneezing
  • diarrhea
  • airsickness
  • bloating
  • stomach cramps

These symptoms point an firsthand food allergy and can appear shortly later eating.

Most food allergy symptoms occur within 2 hours of consuming the allergen.

Delayed allergic reaction

Sometimes, at that place tin be a delay in the symptoms of a food allergy, which means that a reaction might non appear immediately after consuming the allergen.

There may be a iv–6 60 minutes delay in reactions. Sometimes, information technology can take even longer.

Delayed signs and symptoms in babies and children tin include:

  • eczema
  • reflux
  • stunted growth
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • swelling of the modest bowel
  • significant stomach hurting
  • frequent crying or distress

Food poly peptide-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is a delayed food allergy reaction. This produces severe gastrointestinal symptoms that tend to develop around 2–six hours afterward consuming an allergen.

FPIES more often than not affects infants consuming certain foods for the first time or going through weaning.

Symptoms appear similar to those of a serious viral or bacterial infection. They include:

  • frequent vomiting
  • bloody diarrhea
  • aridity, equally a result of vomiting and diarrhea

If a person has whatever of these symptoms, they need immediate medical help.

Treatment for FPIES includes intravenous rehydration.

There are multiple methods an allergist can use to diagnose an oat allergy. These include:


An allergist can test people for an oat allergy. They may use ane of the following methods:

  • Skin prick test: An allergist will prick or inject the pare with a minor amount of the diluted allergen. In this instance, it would be oats.
  • Blood examination: If it is not possible to accept a skin test, an allergist may take a blood test. These can be less sensitive in identifying allergies than pare tests.
  • Patch exam: This can assistance identify delayed nutrient allergies. An allergist will utilize a pocket-sized amount of the allergen to a patch. The person will wear the patch on their skin for 48 hours to meet if it causes a reaction on the skin.

Babies nether 6 months old will usually non have a skin prick test.

Emptying diet

An allergist may recommend an emptying diet for children.

This involves eliminating all oat-based foods and products from the diet for 1 week and monitoring the symptoms to run into if they better.

If the symptoms do improve, it is likely that the person is allergic to oats.

Oral food test

Another fashion of testing for a food allergy is to take an oral food test. This requires a person to eat a small amount of oats under carefully monitored conditions.

An allergist will gradually increment the amount to see if it causes any reaction. Equally shortly as the oats cause any symptoms of an allergic reaction, the allergist will stop the test.

If the person has no reaction, the allergist will dominion out oats as the cause. They may as well give the person a placebo to make sure the results are accurate.

Anyone with an oat allergy should avert consuming oats and oat-based products. To check for cross-contamination, people should bank check product labels for phrases including "might incorporate oats" or "manufactured in a facility that uses oat ingredients."

An allergist may prescribe allergy medications, such equally antihistamines, to assistance relieve any mild symptoms of an allergic reaction.

They may besides prescribe an epinephrine automobile-injector, which delivers adrenaline to the trunk. Manufacturers have designed epinephrine car-injectors specifically for prophylactic utilise in infants and toddlers.

People may need to use their epinephrine auto-injector if they have a severe allergic reaction. They will and then need firsthand medical attending.

If a person has any symptoms of a nutrient allergy and suspects that they accept an oat allergy, they tin can see their physician or an allergist.

A doc or allergist will be able to deport out tests to decide whether or not oats are causing the allergic reaction.

If a person experiences any astringent symptoms, anaphylactic shock, or the symptoms of FPIES, they demand immediate medical attending.

A person with an oat allergy may demand to avoid sure products. These include certain:


People with an oat allergy will need to have intendance to avoid any oat-based foods or drinks.

These may include:

  • oatmeal or porridge
  • oat milk
  • muesli
  • granola
  • flapjacks containing oat flour
  • oat cookies
  • any hot beverage containing oat milk
  • oat bread
  • oatcakes
  • oat bran

A person may also need to check the ingredients in cakes, muffins, and cookies, as some of these can contain oats.

Some beers tin can also comprise oats, so a person should check with the provider earlier consuming.


Some moisturizers and creams contain oat proteins. People with an oat allergy may therefore demand to avoid topical products containing oats, such every bit certain cosmetics or oatmeal baths.

One older report from 2007 plant a loftier level of sensitivity to oats in infants who had atopic dermatitis and were using oat-based topical products.

Still, a 2012 report in the journal Clinical, Corrective and Investigational Dermatology constitute that personal care products that contained oatmeal had a very low potential for allergenic sensitization.

During a iii yr period, consumers of 445,820 products did not report any allergies.

People with an oat allergy can supplant oats with other cereals and grains.

These can include:

  • sorghum
  • millet
  • corn
  • polenta
  • rice

There are many replacements for oat-based breakfast meals.

For example, people can brand porridge out of millet instead, or they can soak chia seeds in milk or h2o to create a thick consistency as a replacement breakfast dish.

Some people take an allergy to the proteins in oats, which are called avenins. Symptoms of an oat allergy can range from mild to moderate.

If a person suspects that they accept an oat allergy, they can see an allergist, who will exist able to bear out tests to diagnose it. If the person does accept an oat allergy, they volition demand to avoid whatsoever oat-based products.

If they experience a severe allergic reaction from oats, they need immediate medical attention.

If a person tests negative for an oat allergy but still has a reaction to oat-based products, they may take an intolerance or allergy to gluten. Eating oat products with the label "gluten-free" can ensure that in that location is no cross-contamination from other products.